Wednesday, October 20, 2010


7 days into our trek Colin decided it was time for a haircut. Keith
and Colin had been drinking the local rakshi and keith decided this
would be a good fundraiser for the porters to have an evening out so
everyone pitched in 50 Rupee (NZ$1) for a chance to have a snip.
After much debate about appropriate style the group settles on a hot
cross bun mohawk. Krissy took the first snip and then it was all on.
With many directors hair was soon flying and an audience was building.
Our guides and Gill were deemed the best hairdressers and were given
the task of making the short bits look less patchy. The final look
was quite something and Colin was less than keen to take his hat off
for the next couple of days.
The porters headed out as soon as the cut was finished and we are told
thay had a good meal.


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